About Us

We started out as Alpha Outfitters Equine Supply in February 2018 in a tarped up, half of a garage. Since then we have moved from that garage into a 12x12 area in a consignment shop, a small 300 sq ft shop, and now are in a much larger shop. We have since traveled into Ohio, New York, West Virginia, Virginia, Mississippi and Georgia, and plan to continue to do so!


But with the growth, comes growing pains. We dissolved Alpha Outfitters Equine Supply, and went from a two person partnership to a one person LLC, which is Alpha Equine. This change turned into something for the better and luckily we are better friends than we have been in a long while and Samantha is on her own path, which she is excited for and we will root for her all the while! And of course she will make appearances here and there!


To think this all started because of our horses, our dreams, and the things we felt were missing from our area. You'll see my boys, Moose and Rocky, mentioned much more often and will come to know their personalities just as much as I do! Of course, you'll be seeing Finn and Lily, my little shop dogs! And you will of course get very used to the shenanigans of my daughter and current model, Emalee, as she will be modeling regularly and make plenty of appearances on the lives! 


In the shop, you will see Elizabeth, who I could not have made this transition without, and she is a wonderful, and very necessary part of the Alpha Equine team! To have her on my team is a blessing, and I will hang onto her for as long as I can!


You will notice as we continue that our photographs will be taken by my very talented friend, Tammy Sisco, owner of Lone Pine Photography. She does so much more than product and shop photography, so feel free to book her at lonepinephotography2.shootproof.com.


Don't forget that we've got a team of riders, and they've each got codes to save you money! So follow them, watch them ride, root for them, and let me know with using those codes!


We'll be seeing you along the trail!